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Project BIP Nature-Driven Design in a Mediterranean Area

The Department of Architecture and Design, dAeD, of the Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria organizes a BIP titled Nature Driven Design in a Mediterranean Area.

The BIP explores some of the problems posed by climate change with a focus on the Mediterranean area and proposes innovative solutions to these problems. By integrating natural elements into the spaces where we live and work, this program emphasizes the connection between people and their environment, promoting both physical and mental well-being.

Participants will directly immerse themselves in vulnerable ecosystems to deepen their understanding of climate impacts and the invaluable role of nature in human life.

Through field experiences, seminars and practical workshops, the BIP program will enable participants to design sustainable spaces that strengthen the connection between people and nature, while addressing the impacts of climate change in one of the most at-risk regions in the world.

Two partners have already joined us in this project and you are welcome to share this adventure with us!

Write an email to for more information!

Deadline February 28, 2025!

Project code: 2023-1-IT02-KA131-HED-000127198-2

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